How to Know If You’re Addicted to Work

How often have you heard the phrase ‘you’re a workaholic’? Whether it is your partner saying it to you or you saying it to a friend who constantly cancels due to last-minute work commitments, but is this a real phenomenon?  TechTalk statistics show that 75% of people check their work email over the weekend, 54% check emails during their holidays, 6% when at funerals, and 5% when their spouse was in labour! These statistics are…

Is the Grass Always Greener?

Having worked in the recruitment industry for over 20 years I have lost count of the amount of times I have said to candidates or my own employees ‘the grass isn’t always greener’. It can be very hard to ignore those headhunt calls promising amazing pay rises or stories from ex-employees about how incredible their…

Trends in Employee Benefits 2018

The benefits that help attract new talent, drive staff performance and increase loyalty change as the workplace continues to evolve. HR teams need to recognize and act on these trends and make sure that there is effective communication both internally and externally. One of the most significant recent changes revolves around the workplace becoming more…